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Job Search Skills

eBSI Export Academy
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Searching for a job can be intimidating. How do you know what job you're best suited for? How do you build a winning resume and cover letter? Where can you find job leads? How do you network without feeling nervous? What happens when you land an interview? And most importantly, where do you find help when you need it?

The Job Search Skills course will give you the answers to all these questions, plus a plan to get you to a new job within a month. After completing this program, you'll be more than ready to start your search for your perfect job. Identifying the purpose for working and the assessment of skills can help determine the types of jobs participants should apply for.

Completing this course will confer 2 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.


Course Outline

Module One: Getting Started

Module Two: Ready, Set, Go!

  • Identifying Your Values and Purpose
  • Assessing Your Skills
  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Building a Resource System
  • A 30-Day Plan

Module Three: Building Your Resume

  • Basic Resume Formats
  • Chronological Style Resume
  • Combination Style Resume
  • Essential Information to Include
  • Dealing with Awkward Points
  • Checklist for Success

Module Four: Polishing Your Resume

  • Creating an Attractive Package
  • About Branding
  • Some Extra Touches
  • Checklist for Success

Module Five: Writing a Cover Letter

  • Types of Cover Letters
  • First contact cover letter
  • Targeted cover letter
  • Recommendation Cover Letter
  • Creating a Template
  • Customizing the Template
  • Checklist for Success

Module Six: Creating a Portfolio

  • When Do I Need a Portfolio?
  • Types of Portfolios
  • Working Portfolio
  • Display Portfolio
  • Assessment Portfolio
  • Essential Elements
  • Checklist for Success

Module Seven: Networking Skills

  • What is Networking?
  • Getting a Conversation Started
  • Creating an Effective Introduction
  • But I'm So Nervous!
  • What Not to Talk About
  • Wrapping Up and Moving On
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Eight: Skills for Success

  • Being Organized
  • Becoming a Punctual Person
  • I Can Do This!
  • Important Etiquette Points
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Nine: Where to Look?

  • The Obvious Places
  • The Hidden Job Market
  • About Cold Calling
  • The Power of Networking
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Ten: Understanding the Interview

  • Types of Interviews
  • What to Expect
  • About Behavioral Questions
  • About Knowledge Questions
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Eleven: Interview Skills

  • Dressing for Success
  • The Meaning of Colors
  • Interpreting Common Dress Codes
  • Deciding What to Wear
  • Answering Questions
  • Asking Questions
  • Following Up
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions
Job Search Skills - eBSI Export Academy
Job Search Skills - eBSI Export Academy
Job Search Skills - eBSI Export Academy
Job Search Skills - eBSI Export Academy

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