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Digital Transformation

eBSI Export Academy
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Digital transformation looks different for every business, but at its core, it means altering how a company operates with the addition of technology and with the goals of improving the customer experience and the workplace. This course will teach you about this concept, and what companies in different industries are doing, as well as best practices so you can do it yourself.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Define digital transformation
  • Understand why it matters
  • Pinpoint which businesses are succeeding and how they are doing it
  • Get started on your own company’s digital strategy

                      Course Topics:

                      Session One: Course Overview

                      • Learning Objectives
                      • Pre-Assignment
                      • Pre-Course Assessment

                      Session Two: Digital Transformation – What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

                      • Defining Digital Transformation
                      • Why?

                      Session Three: Where Do We Start?

                      • Start Thinking About Changes
                      • Questions to Ask
                      • Customer Interaction

                      Session Four: Who Is Doing It Well?

                      • Mistakes That Can be Made
                      • Case Study Review
                      • Case Study 1: Netflix
                      • Case Study 2: Domino’s
                      • Case Study 3: The Washington Post
                      • Case Study 4: Air New Zealand
                      • Case Study 5: Town of Cary, North Carolina

                      Session Five: Awareness Is The First Step

                      • Use Technology to Build on Success

                      Session Six: Let’s Do This

                      • Things to Keep in Mind

                      Session Seven: Make A Plan

                      • Digital Transformation Plan
                      • Summary
                      • Personal Action Plan
                      • Recommended Reading List
                                                                                  Digital Transformation - eBSI Export Academy
                                                                                  Digital Transformation - eBSI Export Academy
                                                                                  Digital Transformation - eBSI Export Academy

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