Free Online International Trade Course
Introduction to International Trade & eBusiness Online Certificate Course
eBSI Export Academy is delighted to announce the launch of our free certificate program ‘Introduction to International Trade and eBusiness’ which is a short program of courses designed to give a foundation knowledge of the basics of exporting and prepare participants for further study within eBSI Export Academy’s more advanced programs.
The program covers the following
- Introduction to Exporting
- Introduction to International Trade
- International Methods of Payment
- Introduction to eBusiness and Internet Marketing
You can sign up for the Introduction to International Trade & eBusiness program at the course registration page and the program is designed that you should be able to complete it over a weekend if you so wish.
Upon completion of this program you will be awarded with a certificate of completion that you can download and print for your records and CV.
An added benefit of this free certificate program is that you will then have completed 4 out of the 42 lessons on the ITS Accreditation Program already because we keep your course results for future use in the full program!
Feel free to share this course with your friends, feedback so far on the component courses has been excellent with close to 1000 people who have signed up for this free course so far! It’s a great opportunity to try out the course methodology before investing in further studies.
To learn more about eBSI Export Academy and its advanced Trade, Trade Finance and Internet Marketing Certificate Programs feel free to visit
Hi Simran just enrol online through the link on this page and you can do the first 4 units of our Best Selling International Trade Specialist Program.
eBSI Admin
Hi Simran just enrol online through the link on this page and you can do the first 4 units of our Best Selling International Trade Specialist Program.
eBSI Admin
Need free couurse
I have been trying to trade international looking for buyers and export but have been very difficult I hope this course can put me into net work of import and export.
I would like to join free course of import export related.