Investment Products and Services

Bankers Academy
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Course Description

Seat Time: 2.25hrs - Desc:

This course will provide an explanatory overview of investment products offered by most financial institutions to cover a range of customer needs and desires. The learner will be able to understand types of funds and strategies available to customers concerning everything from real estate to retirement planning. After completing this program, the learner will be able to:

  • Analyze customer cues and verbalized requests for different categories of investment products.
  • Understand the use and purpose of investment strategies and products, and tailor products to suit customer needs.
  • Differentiate between plans, products, and other investments.
      Course Topics

      T1. Investment Products: This topic will provide a general overview of investment products offered by most financial institutions to customers concerned with diversifying portfolios to generate more favorable returns.

      T2. Investment Funds: This topic will educate the learner on the types of investment funds offered by financial institutions to customers to grow money over a period of time.

      T3. Commodities: This topic will educate the learner on the types of investment funds offered by financial institutions to customers to grow money over a period of time.

      T4. Trusts: This topic will detail the legal arrangements between parties for the benefit of beneficiaries, and the types offered by financial institutions as a means of investment.

      T5. Insurance: This topic will describe insurance, and discuss reasons for purchasing insurance as well as typical insurance services.

      T6. Estate Planning: This topic will introduce the learner to estate planning: the process of establishing a legal arrangement whereby owned property is designated to another individual.

      T7. Retirement: This topic will familiarize the learner with the significance of investment-based retirement planning and the different types of Individual Retirement Accounts available to customers.

      T8. Alternative Investments: This topic will offer the learner a discussion of alternative investments which are not one of the three traditional asset types; these include hedge funds, managed futures, private equity, and real estate

      T9. Investment Services: This topic will provide an overview of the various services offered by the institution to enhance portfolios and increase account holder satisfaction

      Investment Products and Services - eBSI Export Academy
      Investment Products and Services - eBSI Export Academy
      Investment Products and Services - eBSI Export Academy
      Investment Products and Services - eBSI Export Academy
      Investment Products and Services - eBSI Export Academy
      Investment Products and Services - eBSI Export Academy

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