Course Outline
Seat Time : 0.75 hours.
This course will introduce the learner to concepts regarding the protection of electronic information within the organization. It will familiarize the learner with new threats to proprietary information that exist because of recent technological innovations. This course will also ensure that the learner has an in-depth understanding of different types of cyber-crime that can be waged against the organization and they are affected when cybercrime occurs. After successful completion of this course, the learner will:
- Be aware of steps that the US government is taking to ensure that proprietary federal information is protected from cyber-attacks.
- Understand tactics and methods that cybercriminals typically use to infiltrate organizations.
- Become familiar with practices that allow employees to prevent, detect, and report cybercrime.
Course Topics
T1 - What is Cybersecurity? - This topic will ensure that the learner knows the difference between cybersecurity and information security, familiarize the learner with the different types of traditional cyber-crime that occurs, and instill an understanding as to why the implementation of an effective cyber-security program is crucial to the protection of proprietary information within the organization.
T2 - The Evolution of Cybercrime and Detection - This topic will inform the learner about new threats to electronic proprietary information, familiarize the learner with new types of technology that puts the organization’s devices at risk, and demonstrate why regular audits of the organization’s cybersecurity system are necessary.
T3 - Preventing and Reporting Cybercrime - This topic will provide the learner with information regarding safe password and email practices, threats that social networking and remote activity pose to the organization’s cybersecurity, and ensure that the learner knows how to make a report with US-CERT if a breach of cyber-security occurs within the organization.

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