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Hosting Interview Shows

eBSI Export Academy
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Nowadays its more and more important to engage your audience with exciting content.

One of the ways you can do this is by organising your own interview show where you can schedule online video interviews with experts in your target niche and share them live or on demand for your audience.

This 2 hour course will take you through every step you need to know to create, organise, promote and monetise a successful online interview show for your own business.


Course Outline


This course is made up of 40 short but impactful video lessons over two modules:

Module 1

Hosting Interview Show Basic

Video 1  - Introduction
Video 2 - Minimum Equipment and Expense Needed
Video 3 - Creating a Home Base For Your Show
Video 4 - Finding Interviewees
Video 5 - Set Up Your Scheduling Call
Video 6 - Recording Platforms and Lead Generation
Video 7 - Creating Live Interviews with Google Hangouts and YouTube Live
Video 8 - Creating Interviews On Video With Go To Webinar
Video 9 - Creating Video Interviews with Zoom
Video 10 - Skype and FreeConferenceCall.Com
Video 11 - Editing Your Video
Video 12 - Editing Your Audio Recording
Video 13 - Formatting Your Recording
Video 14 - Hosting Your Audio Recording
Video 15 - Hosting Your Video Recording
Video 16 - Using Anchor FM
Video 17-a-Interviewing-Others-On-Anchor
Video 17-b-Speeding-Up-Your-Internet-Connection-For-Anchor
Video 18 - Syndicating To iTunes and Google Play
Video 19 - Syndicating To YouTube
Video 20 - Conclusion - Posting To Your Site

Module 2

Hosting Interview Show Advanced

Video 1 - Introduction
Video 2 - Content Conversion - Audio and Video To Text
Video 3 - Audience Building Through Social Media
Video 4 - Audience Building Through Search Engines
Video 5 - Audience Building Through Collaborations
Video 6 - Audience Building Through Virtual Summits
Video 7 - Audience Building Through Audio Syndication
Video 8 - Audience Building Through Video Syndication
Video 9 - Monetization Through Affiliate Marketing with Infoproducts
Video 10 -Monetization Through Affiliate Marketing of Consumer Products
Video 11 - Monetization As A Product Creator on Amazon
Video 12 - Monetization Through Live In Person Events
Video 13 - Monetization Through Speaking Events
Video 14 - Monetization With Show Merchandise
Video 15 - Monetization Through Content Membership
Video 16 - Monetization as Infomarketer with Udemy
Video 17 - Monetization As an Information Marketer
Video 18 - Monetization Through Sponsorship
Video 19 - Monetization Through Crowdfunding
Video 20 - Conclusion


Hosting Interview Shows - eBSI Export Academy
Hosting Interview Shows - eBSI Export Academy
Hosting Interview Shows - eBSI Export Academy
Hosting Interview Shows - eBSI Export Academy
Hosting Interview Shows - eBSI Export Academy

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