Course Outline:
Seat Time: 1hrs
This course provides the learner with a framework and guidelines that a manager can use to help him/her have difficult conversations with employees who violate the company’s dress code or who have personal hygiene issues that have become a distraction in the work place. The course also provides details regarding the various hygiene issues that a manager may have to address with employees and how to speak about each. Upon completing this course, the learner will:
- Be able to hold proper discussions with employees about hygiene and dress code issues.
- Understand what constitutes a problem in regard to personal hygiene.
- Understand the importance of following proper procedure when discussing sensitive matters with employees.
Course Topics:
T1. Talking About Difficult Subjects: This topic will introduce the learner to the subject of difficult situations and the discussions that surround them, including difficult conversation topics and appropriate attitudes.
T2. Concerns and Objections: This topic will discuss the different reactions and responses individuals might have to being confronted about hygienic concerns.
T3. Following the Dress Code: This topic will examine violations of the dress code and how to address them, and includes real-world examples.
T4. Ensuring Good Personal Hygiene: This topic will describe the importance of personal hygiene and how best to broach the subject of maintaining it.

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