Excel 2016 Macros and VBA
Objectives: This course covers automation and customising of Excel using macros and screen items (such as buttons and menus). It will also teach learners how to write macros using VB code and assign macros to screen items.
Completing this course will confer 2 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.
Unit Contents:
1. Getting Started
In this topic you will cover a basic introduction to the course unit and its objectives.
2. Introduction & the Macro Recorder
In this topic you will cover:
Introduction & the Macro Recorder
The Excel Macro Recorder
Relative and Absolute Recording
Macro Storage
Macro Shortcut Keys
Deleting Macros
Excel’s New File Format
Self-test Quiz
3. Creating & Editing Macros With VBA
In this topic you will cover:
Creating & Editing Macros With VBA
Macro Storage Concepts
The VB Editor
Working With Modules
Editing Macros
Copying Macros
Linking Macros
User-Defined Functions
Globally Available User-Defined Functions
Auto Executable Macros
Self-test Quiz
4. Objects and Dialog Boxes
In this topic you will cover:
Objects and Dialog Boxes
The VBA Object Browser
Built-In Dialog Boxes
Custom Dialog Boxes
Self-test Quiz
5. Introduction to Controls
In this topic you will cover:
Introduction to Controls
Worksheet Controls
Introduction to User Forms
Accessing your Macros in Excel
Self-test Quiz
6. Wrapping Up / Assessment Result
In this topic you will cover:
Course Conclusion
Wrapping up
Test Results Summary

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