Digital Brand Management

eBSI Export Academy
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Digital Brand Management

This course teaches you the importance of having a brand for your product. This course will help you to build an identity (on-line /off-line), a strong logo and company name and expressing yourself through social media.

Completing this course will confer 2 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.


Course Outline

1. Offline Branding
In this topic you will cover:
1. Offline Branding
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What Your Brand Says About Your Business?
1.3 What Makes a Good Brand?
1.4 A Different Brand for Each Product Type, or One for All
1.5 Building a Good Brand - Companies
1.6 Building a Good Brand - Individuals
1.7 Synonymous with the Product
1.8 Most Successful Logos
1.9 Brands Remembered Long After Company has Gone
1.10 Protecting Your Brand

2. Online Branding
In this topic you will cover:
2. Online Branding
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Stand Out From The Crowd
2.3. Build Your Brand, Not Someone Else's
2.4. First Impressions Really Do Count
2.5. Developing Your Online Presence And Image
2.6. Making Your Brand Search Engine Ready
2.7. Social Network Branding
2.8. Conclusion

3. Advanced Online Branding
In this topic you will cover:
3. Advanced Online Branding
3.1 Building Your Brand:Introduction
3.2 Uniquely You
3.3 Build a Brand, Build an Empire
3.4 First Impression Count
3.5 Developing Your Online Presence
3.6 Final Words: Epilogue

Digital Brand Management - eBSI Export Academy
Digital Brand Management - eBSI Export Academy
Digital Brand Management - eBSI Export Academy
Digital Brand Management - eBSI Export Academy

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