Course Outline
Seat Time: 2hrs
This course will introduce the learner to the role that security plays in keeping the branch, its customers, and employees safe. Learners will become familiar with theproper procedures for dual control, unlawful activities, frauds, and robberies, in addition to preparation practices for various emergencies. After completing this program the learner will understand:
- Effective security practices and procedures.
- Ways to identify cons and frauds.
- How to properly use bait money.
Course Topics
T1. Security and Customer Service: This topic will discuss the importance of security, the role that tellers play in providing customers with pleasant, secure experiences, and how to develop good habits in the workplace.
T2. Dual Control: This topic will present the learner with dual control procedures, their use, and the importance of sharing responsibility.
T3. Unlawful Activities: This topic will discuss effective security, and will address the theft of money, embezzlement, the treatment of confidential information, and protecting the financial institution and its customers.
T4. Cons and Frauds: This topic will offer discourse on crimes of persuasion, including information on things to watch out for, how to avoid forgery, and more.
T5. Robberies: This topic will educate the learner on the contrast between guarding against robberies and making branches pleasant and accessible, security plans, the importance of safety, and post-robbery security control.
T6. Bait Money: This topic will define bait money, and will discuss dye packs, TracPacs, and their use in protecting the financial institution.
T7. Bomb Threats: This course will discuss best practices in the event of a bomb threat or similar emergency, and will emphasize proper procedures and actions.
T8. Emergencies: This topic will provide an overview of different types of emergencies, such as fights, fires, or riots, and how to best prepare in the event of each.

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