Course Description
Seat Time: 1.5hrs - Desc:
This course will introduce the learner to the basic aspects of financial planning. The course will familiarize the learner with areas of financial planning, including budgeting, insurance, and investments. After completing this program the learner will understand:
- The key aspects of financial planning.
- The significance of investment-based retirement.
- The categories of expenses and how to make expense reports.
Course Topics
T1. Building Blocks of Financial Planning: This topic will provide an explanation on financial planning, and will discuss the reasons, basics, and key building blocks.
T2. Budgeting: This topic will describe budgets, and will detail the process for preparing a typical budget and the importance of budgeting.
T3. Expenses: This topic will define expenses, and will discuss the categories and authenticity of expenses, including information on irregular incomes and the benefits of expense reporting.
T4. Retirement: This topic will familiarize the learner with the significance of investment-based retirement planning and the different types of Individual Retirement Accounts available to customers.
T5. Insurance: This topic will describe insurance, and discuss reasons for purchasing insurance as well as typical insurance services.
T6. Investments: This topic will evaluate investments and clarify the importance of investments as well as the different types available to customers.

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