With sessions on inventory management, human resources, finance and accounting, marketing, sales, and even using social networking, students will be prepared to manage their new business.
This course includes:
- different business structures,
- who is managing and who is leading,
- how to create a brand,
- and the value of a strategic plan.
Course Topics:
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: Who Are You and What Are You About?
- What is Our Business?
- Pre-Assignment Review
- The Owner’s Role
- Keeping Things Moving
Session Three: Designing Your Organizational Structure
- Bringing the Idea to Life
- Leveraging Structure
- Looking at the Options
- Who is in Charge?
- Structural Considerations
Session Four: Introduction to Operations Management
- Defining Operations Management
- Types of Operations
- Practical Application
Session Five: Understanding Financial Terms
- Accounting Terminology
- General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
- Key Reports
Session Six: Getting the Right People in Place
- Six Essential Steps of Hiring
- Making Connections
Session Seven: Getting Your Product Together
- Inventory Management
- Understanding the Value Chain
- Outsourcing Options
- Quality Control
Session Eight: Building a Corporate Brand
- Your Brand
- Brand Names and Slogans
- Developing a Slogan
- Creating a Visual Identity
- Types of Visual Identities
- Working It Out
Session Nine: Marketing Your Product
- Introduction to Marketing
- Stage One: Consumer and Market Analysis
- Stage Two: Analyzing the Competition and Yourself
- Stage Three: Analyzing Distribution Channels
- Stage Four: Creating a Marketing Plan
- Making Connections
- The Final Stages: Implement, Evaluate, Review, and Revise
- Leveraging Social Media
Session Ten: Selling Your Product
- Building Your Sales Force
- The Sales Cycle
Session Eleven: Planning for the Future
- Introduction to Strategic Planning
- Making Connections
- The Strategic Plan Pyramid
Session Twelve: Goal Setting and Goal Getting
- Setting Achievable Goals
- Goals with SPIRIT
- Getting Into It
Session Thirteen: Succession Planning 101
- What is Succession Planning?
- Defining Succession Planning
Session Fourteen: Managing Your Money
- What is a Budget?
- Managing Your Budget
Session Fifteen: Ethics 101
- Are You Ready?
- Sample Codes of Ethics
- Your Code of Ethics
Session Sixteen: Building a Strong Customer Care Team
- The Pillars of Success
- The Remaining Elements
- Developing and Maintaining Relationships
Session Seventeen: Training Employees for Success
- Why Continuous Learning?
- Making Connections
Session Eighteen: Leadership Essentials
- Leading and Managing
- Understanding Your Comfort Zone
- Managing Performance
- Recommended Reading List
- Post-Course Assessment
- Pre- and Post-Assessment Answer Keys
- Personal Action Plan
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