Course Outline:
Seat Time: 1.5hrs
This course will introduce the learner on how to improve professional writing skills by developing a succinct, direct writing style. Additionally, the learner will learn the differences between active and passive voices, creating cohesive paragraphs, and why companies rely on Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Upon successful completion of this course, the learner will have a strong understanding of the following:
- Properly writing reports.
- Formatting and persuading.
- Types of business letters.
Course Topics:
T1. Effective Writing Skills: This topic will provide an overview of how to compose a clear message, how to use the active voice, transitional devices, and simple, compound, and complex sentences.
T2. Business Summaries and RFPs: This topic will provide an overview of proposing changes and ideas, the components of a business case checklist, and Requests for Proposals (RFPs).
T3. Properly Writing Reports and Proposals: This topic will provide an overview of classifying reports, letter-style reports, memorandums, succinct reports, and report-writing techniques.
T4. Evaluate and Revise: This topic will provide the learner with tips for revising reports and how to adequately edit sentences for clarity.
T5. Formatting and Persuading: This topic will provide an overview of persuading techniques, how to format messages, questions to consider when formulating your message, and citing information properly.
T6. Types of Business Letters: This topic will provide an overview of the components of a business letter, recommendation letters, letters of refusal, and persuasive letters.

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