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Access 2016 Master

eBSI Export Academy
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This is a 2 part course.


The Microsoft Access 2016 Part One program covers all the basics, including:

  • An introduction to the Access interface
  • The basics of creating a database with tables, forms, queries, and reports
  • Table management tools, including data normalization and the Relationships window
  • Techniques for importing and exporting data with Access

Course Topics:

Lesson 1:
Getting Started with Access

  • Microsoft Access 2016
  • Access Files
  • Opening Databases
  • Access Web Apps
  • The Access 2016 Application Window
  • Tables
  • Forms and Views
  • Queries
  • Reports
  • The Ribbon Interface
  • Activity 1-1
  • Database Templates
  • Web App Templates
  • Save Options
  • Field Definition
  • Methods to Create a Form
  • Form Object Views
  • Form Sections
  • Modifying Existing Forms
  • Saving Forms
  • Deleting Forms
  • Access Web App Views
  • Activity 1-2
  • Using Tell Me
  • Accessing Advanced Help Options
  • Activity 1-3
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 2:
Working with Table Data

  • AutoCorrect
  • Commit, Save, and Undo
  • Quick Search
  • The Find and Replace Dialog Box
  • Datasheet Totals
  • Activity 2-1
  • Adding New Records
  • Updating Records with a Query
  • Append Queries
  • Navigating Through Records
  • Printing Records
  • Activity 2-2
  • The Sort Feature
  • The Filter Feature
  • Filter Commands
  • The Group Feature
  • Activity 2-3
  • Lookup Fields
  • The Property Sheet Pane
  • Activity 2-4
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 3:
Querying a Database

  • Query Views
  • The Simple Query Wizard
  • Types of Queries
  • The Run Command
  • Query Design
  • Saving Queries
  • Deleting Queries
  • Renaming Queries
  • Activity 3-1
  • Query Criteria
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Sorting Query Results
  • Grouping Query Results
  • Formatting Query Fields
  • The Zoom Dialog Box
  • Activity 3-2
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Adding Calculated Fields
  • Adding Conditional Logic
  • Activity 3-3
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 4:
Creating Advanced Queries

  • Parameter Queries
  • Wildcards in a Parameter Query
  • The Ampersand Operator
  • Activity 4-1
  • Action Queries
  • Types of Action Queries
  • Activity 4-2
  • The Find Duplicates Query Wizard
  • The Find Unmatched Query Wizard
  • Activity 4-3
  • Crosstab Queries
  • Multiple Table Queries
  • Activity 4-4
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 5:
Generating Reports

  • Report Creation Tools
  • Using Application Parts to Create Reports
  • Report Views
  • The Report Wizard
  • Saving a Report
  • Modifying an Existing Report
  • Deleting a Report
  • Activity 5-1
  • Report Sections
  • Adding Controls
  • Modifying Control Properties
  • Managing Labels
  • Inserting Images
  • Activity 5-2
  • Galleries
  • Themes
  • Activity 5-3
  • Adding a Header or Footer
  • Inserting Page Numbers
  • Page Setup Options
  • The Print Preview Tab
  • Activity 5-4
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 6:
Customizing the Access Environment

  • Access Options
  • Activity 6-1
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 7:
Designing a Relational Database

  • Relational Databases
  • The Relational Database Design Process
  • The Statement of Purpose
  • Existing Data
  • Guidelines for Determining Fields
  • Business Rules
  • Guidelines for Grouping Fields into Tables
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • Composite Keys
  • Table Relationships
  • Activity 7-1
  • Table Creation Options
  • Importing Tables from Other Databases
  • Creating Tables with Templates
  • Table Views
  • Data Types
  • Inserting Fields
  • Quick Start Fields
  • Deleting Fields
  • Calendar for Picking Dates
  • The Lookup Wizard
  • The Table Properties Dialog Box
  • Activity 7-2
  • Renaming a Table
  • Changing Field Captions
  • Changing Field Sizes
  • Configuring Fields to Auto-Increment
  • Setting the Default Value for a Field
  • Activity 7-3
  • The Relationships Window
  • Referential Integrity
  • Guidelines for Enforcing Referential Integrity
  • The Edit Relationships Dialog Box
  • Join Lines
  • Relationship Report
  • Activity 7-4
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 8:
Joining Tables

  • Query Joins
  • Inner Joins
  • Outer Joins
  • The Join Properties Dialog Box
  • Activity 8-1
  • Joining Tables with No Common Fields
  • Activity 8-2
  • Self-Joins
  • The Alias Property
  • Activity 8-3
  • Subdatasheets
  • Activity 8-4
  • Subqueries
  • Activity 8-5
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 9:
Organizing a Database for Efficiency

  • First Normal Form
  • Second Normal Form
  • Third Normal Form
  • Denormalization
  • The Table Analyzer Wizard
  • Activity 9-1
  • Many-to-Many Relationships
  • Junction Tables
  • Activity 9-2
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 10:
 Sharing Data Across Applications

  • Data Importing
  • The Get External Data Wizard
  • Delimiters
  • Activity 10-1
  • Data Exporting
  • Activity 10-2
  • Exporting Access Data to Excel
  • Activity 10-3
  • The Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard
  • Merge Fields
  • The Mail Merge Task Pane
  • Activity 10-4
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 11:
Advanced Reporting

  • Report Design Elements
  • Report Design Tools
  • The Group, Sort, and Total Pane
  • The Field List Pane
  • Adding a Background Image to a Report
  • Activity 11-1
  • Report Format Tools
  • Report Control Properties
  • Report Pagination
  • Activity 11-2
  • Data Bars
  • Charts
  • Activity 11-3
  • Calculated Fields
  • Activity 11-4
  • Subreports
  • Activity 11-5
  • Summary
  • Review Questions

Lesson 12:
Additional Reporting Options

  • The Label Wizard
  • Activity 12-1
  • Publishing a Report as PDF
  • Activity 12-2
  • Summary
  • Review Questions



Microsoft Office Access 2016 is the newest version of Microsoft’s popular database program. This is the second part of a two-level course, and it explores advanced Access features. Whether you’re using Access for the first time, or have been using it for years, this course will help you make the most of Access 2016’s features and tools.

The Microsoft Access 2016 Part Two program covers advanced Access features, including:

  • Implementing Advanced Form Design
  • Using Data Validation
  • Using Macros to Improve User Interface Design
  • Using Advanced Database Management
  • Distributing and Securing a Database
  • Managing Switchboards

    Course Topics:

    Lesson 1: Implementing Advanced Form Design

    • Types of Controls
    • Command Buttons
    • Quick Start Fields
    • Calendar/Datepicker Control
    • Form Layouts
    • Quick Styles
    • Tab Order
    • The Anchoring Tool
    • Activity 1-1
    • Move Form Controls
    • Add Form Controls
    • Remove Form Controls
    • Modify Data Sources
    • Set Form Control Properties
    • Manage Labels
    • Activity 1-2
    • Subforms
    • Activity 1-3
    • Tab Pages
    • Activity 1-4
    • Navigation Control and Navigation Forms
    • Setting Navigation Options
    • Creating a Navigation Form
    • Using a Navigation Form
    • Activity 1-5
    • Insert Headers And Footers
    • Insert Images
    • Auto-Order Forms
    • Sort Records
    • Apply Themes
    • Insert Backgrounds
    • Change Margins
    • Activity 1-5
    • Conditional Formatting
    • Activity 1-6
    • Summary
    • Review Questions

    Lesson 2:
 Using Data Validation

    • Field Properties
    • Input Masks
    • The Input Mask Wizard
    • Input Mask Characters
    • Lookup Lists
    • Expression Builder
    • Activity 2-1
    • Form Validation
    • Control Wizards
    • The Combo Box Control
    • The List Box Control
    • The Option Group Control
    • Record Validation
    • Activity 2-2
    • Summary
    • Review Questions

    Lesson 3:
 Using Macros to Improve User Interface Design

    • Macros
    • The Macro Builder Window
    • Macro Actions
    • Types of Macro Actions
    • Action Arguments
    • Object Events
    • Macros in Access Web Apps
    • Activity 3-1
    • Macro Conditions
    • The Where Condition
    • Activity 3-2
    • Event Properties for Data Validation
    • Macro Actions for Data Validation
    • Embedded Macros
    • Activity 3-3
    • Event Properties for Automating Data Entry
    • Macro Actions for Automating Data Entry
    • Activity 3-4
    • Macros and VBA
    • Activity 3-5
    • Summary
    • Review Questions

    Lesson 4:
 Using Advanced Database Management

    • External Data Sources
    • The Linked Table Manager
    • Activity 4-1
    • Exclusive Mode
    • Database Access Modes
    • Database Backup
    • The Compact and Repair Database Option
    • Activity 4-2
    • Object Dependency
    • Activity 4-3
    • The Database Documenter
    • Activity 4-4
    • Performance Analyzer
    • Activity 4-5
    • Summary
    • Review Questions

    Lesson 5:
 Distributing and Securing a Database

    • Splitting a Database
    • Merging a Database
    • Activity 5-1
    • Security Strategies in Access 2016
    • The Message Bar
    • The Trust Center Dialog Box
    • Trusted Locations
    • Activity 5-2
    • Password Protection Guidelines
    • Activity 5-3
    • The ACCDE File Format
    • User Templates
    • Saving Databases as Templates
    • Activity 5-4
    • Digital Signatures
    • Digital Certificates
    • The Package and Sign Feature
    • Activity 5-5
    • Summary
    • Review Questions

    Lesson 6:
 Managing Switchboards

    • Switchboards
    • Switchboard Manager
    • Activity 6-1
    • Switchboard Modification
    • Activity 6-2
    • Database Startup Options
    • Activity 6-3
    • Summary
    • Review Questions
        Access 2016 Part 1 - eBSI Export Academy
        Access 2016 Part 1 - eBSI Export Academy
        Access 2016 Part 1 - eBSI Export Academy
        Access 2016 Master
        Access 2016 Master

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