Neuro linguistic programming (or NLP) is a method that combines perception, thought, and action to achieve desired results. This course will help participants become familiar with the fundamentals of NLP.
This course explores how choices get made and results get created, while providing a set of tools and techniques to help generate satisfying results.
Participants will learn about:
- what neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is and its key terms;
- the key presuppositions of NLP;
- the five senses as seen by NLP: how to identify states of mind and modes of thinking using predicates and visual cues;
- how to develop and refine response strategies for any situation;
- and how to use hypnotic language and positive commands to get results.
Course Topics:
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: Developing Rapport
- Defining Rapport
- Matching and Mirroring
- Sensory Systems
- Pacing and Leading
- Making Connections
Session Three: Getting in Tune with Yourself
- Establishing an Inner Map
- What Does Congruency Mean for Me?
- Achieving Congruency
Session Four: Creating Comprehensive Outcomes
- The Elements of a Well-Formed Outcome
- Setting Some Personal Outcomes
Session Five: Creating a Desired State
- Basic Anchoring Techniques
- Collapsing Anchors
- Chaining Anchors
- Making Connections
Session Six: Chunking Information
- The 7±2 Rule and the Ladder of Abstraction
- Making Connections
- Recommended Reading List
- Personal Action Plan

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