The European Union is one of the largest markets in the world. Given its importance and to reflect in a more practical manner the implementation of customs procedures, we will look at the process of importing goods into the EU.
In this unit you will:
- Analyse the process of importing goods into the European Union.
- Learn about free circulation - the most common customs procedure.
- Examine how to dispatch goods for free circulation and for consumption.
- Learn about VAT on imported goods.
- Study the main customs procedures.
Completing this course will confer 5 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.
Course Outline
1.2 Collection of Duties and VAT
1.3 Dispatch for Consumption
1.4 Declaration
1.5 Prior Verification by the Importer
1.6 Import Declaration (SAD)
1.7 Entry in the Accounts
1.8 Release of Goods
1.9 Amendment and Annulment of the SAD
1.10 Examination of the Goods
1.11 Payment of Customs Duties
1.12 Control by the Customs Authorities
1.13 Release of the Goods
1.14 The Importer and the Customs
1.15 Automated Entry Processing (AEP).
1.16 Local Clearance Procedure
1.17 Paperless Declaration
1.18 Rejected Goods
1.19 Electronic Systems
1.20 Simplified Procedures
1.21 Payment of Import Duties
1.22 Repayment of Customs Duty
1.23 Partial Dispatch
1.24 Import Procedures
1.25 Exportation
2.1 Suspension of VAT Payment
2.2 VAT-Free Authorization
2.3 Basis for VAT Calculations
2.4 Costs Not Included
2.5 VAT Exempt Costs
2.6 Right to Deduct VAT - General Rule
3.1 Processing under Customs Control (PCC)
3.2 Authorization
3.3 Conditions for Applying
3.4 Outward Processing (OP)
3.5 Arrangements Available for Processing of Textiles
3.6 Applications for Authorization
3.7 Inward Processing (IP)
3.8 Temporary Importation
3.8.1 Goods Allowed for Temporary Importation
Further Reading
1- EU Guide to Import Procedures
2- General guidance on EU import and transit rules for live animals and animal products from third countries
3- EU Rules of Origin for GSP
4- US Export Control Regulations Explained to the European Exporter: A Handbook
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