Creating a Workplace Wellness Program can have a huge impact on employee health and engagement, and it will help participants achieve their goals in this area.
Whether they have realized a dip in employee engagement, or an increase in health and benefit costs (both signs of less than optimal health for the workforce), intervention can influence a range of conditions when a workplace wellness program is implemented in the right way.
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: The Case for Wellness
- Benefits of Workplace Wellness Programs
- Program Elements
Session Three: Building the Foundation
- Creating the Committee
- Outlining the Program
- Making Connections
- Gathering Resources
- Workplace Organizational Culture
Session Four: Gathering Support
- Taking Action
- Reflection
Session Five: Gathering Data
- Gathering Data
- Current Reality – Pre-Assignment Review
- Looking Around Us
- Research Help
Session Six: Performing a Needs Analysis
- The ICE Method
- Making the Pitch
Session Seven: Program Elements
- Designing Your Program, Part One
- Designing Your Program, Part Two
- Designing Your Program, Part Three
Session Eight: Implementing Your Workplace Wellness Program
- Implementation Options
- Identifying Motivators
Session Nine: Reviewing the Plan
- Evaluating Prior to Launch
- Getting the Executive on Board
- Getting Employees on Board
Session Ten: Evaluating and Reporting Results
- Ratios and Statistics
- Making it Count
- Recommended Reading List
- Personal Action Plan

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