Activities and games provide a more robust and interesting experience for learners, and help to engage all their senses. In this course, new or nearly new trainers learn:
- to create buy-in by using well-designed activities and games,
- how to encourage reluctant learners,
- how to use humor even when they aren’t a naturally funny person, and how to create their own activity.
Course Topics:
Session One: Course Overview
Session Two: Let’s Have Some Fun!
- Background Information
- The Value of Games
- Favorite Games
Session Three: Getting Everyone on Board
- Getting Buy-In
- Learning From the Truly Greats and Big Mistakes
Session Four: Choosing the Right Game
- Types of Games
- Dealing with Reluctant Participants
Session Five: When Games Go Badly
- Troubleshooting Games
- Difficult Situations
Session Six: Using Humor in Training
Session Seven: Wavy Lines
Session Eight: Quick and Easy Games
- Why These Games?
- Hot Potato
- Passing Introductions
- The Orange
Session Nine: Creating a Game
- Recommended Reading List
- Personal Action Plan

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