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Managing Workplace Anxiety

eBSI Export Academy
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The workplace is one of the leading locations where people experience stress and anxiety. Every employee will encounter it sometime during their career. Everyone should be aware of the signs of anxiety and the tools needed to cope and deal with it.

Our Managing Workplace Anxiety course will provide, participants the important skills and resources to recognize and manage workplace anxiety. By identifying these symptoms and coping skills employees and managers will be better suited in dealing with these common situations. Through this course, participants will be better suited to the challenges that the workplace can bring.

Completing this course will confer 2 CPD Credits towards internationally recognised Continuous Professional Development Requirements within organisations operating this kind of staff development methodology.


Course Outline

Module One: Getting Started

Module Two: Common Types of Anxiety

  • Social Anxiety
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Phobias
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Three: Recognizing Symptoms in Others

  • Avoiding Social Situations
  • Difficulty in Accepting Negative Feedback
  • Difficulty in Focusing on Tasks
  • Irrational Fears
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Four: Coping Strategies (I)

  • Keeping a Journal
  • Power of Positive Thinking
  • Have a "Me" Place You Can Go
  • Establish Attainable Goals
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Five: Coping Strategies (II)

  • Talk With Friends and Family
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Eating Well and Exercise
  • Begin Small and Build Up to Larger Challenges
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Six: Don't Avoid the Situation

  • It's OK to Make a Mistake
  • Accept the Situation, and Move On
  • Avoidance Can Cause a Cycle of Anxiety
  • Identify the Trigger
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Seven: Differences in Anxiety and Normal Nervousness

  • It Runs Along a Spectrum
  • Anxiety Can Happen Without a Cause
  • The Length of Time Symptoms Last
  • It"s an Exaggeration of Normal Feelings
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Eight: Physical Symptoms

  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Panic Attack
  • Headache
  • Trembling or Shaking
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Nine: Recognize the Positive Aspects of Anxiety

  • It Alerts Us to Danger
  • Improves Self-Awareness
  • Can Be a Great Motivator
  • Prevent Mistakes
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Ten: Common Anxiety Triggers

  • Uncertainty or Fear of the Unknown
  • Holding in Feelings
  • Public Speaking/Speaking Up
  • Trying to Be Perfect
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions

Module Eleven: When to Seek Extra Help?

  • Feeling Overwhelmed
  • Physical Changes
  • Unable to Work or Function
  • Panic Attacks
  • Case Study
  • Review Questions
Managing Workplace Anxiety - eBSI Export Academy
Managing Workplace Anxiety - eBSI Export Academy
Managing Workplace Anxiety - eBSI Export Academy
Managing Workplace Anxiety - eBSI Export Academy

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