Customer Care

Bankers Academy
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Course Outline:

Seat Time: 2hrs 

This course will introduce the learner to procedures for providing customers with ongoing, positive experiences. Some of the procedures that this course will outline include communication through listening, phrasing and probing; proper telephone usage, and the various types of customers who will be encountered. After completing this program the learner will understand:

  • The importance of giving and getting respect.
  • How to properly communicate complex information.


Course Topics:

T1. PS: Customer Experience Statements: This topic will teach the learner about keeping the customer's experience in mind and the characteristics that customers would want to see in employees.

T2. PS: Giving and Getting Respect: This topic will explain to the learner the concept of respect and how to best demonstrate respect so that s/he is prepared to make a strong impression on customers.

T3. PS: Communication: This topic will examine various communication problems inhibiting the communication process, including information on encouraging teamwork and influencing others.

T4. PS: Phrasing: This topic will emphasize the notion that everything a person says communicates something, and will also provide best methods for communicating effectively and remembering the goal of communicating.

T5. PS: Probing: This topic will define probing and will familiarize the learner with detailed explanations for why probing is important to communication.

T6. PS: Telephone Usage: This topic will discuss the customer experience particular to telephone usage, including how to be prepared and actively listen.

T7. PS: Service: This topic will discuss how to properly communicate complex information, including information on how to use SERVICE to verify and correct mistakes.

T8. PS: Types of Customers: This topic will discuss the differences between youthful and senior members, and best practices on conducting business with each.

Customer Care - eBSI Export Academy
Customer Care - eBSI Export Academy
Customer Care - eBSI Export Academy
Customer Care - eBSI Export Academy
Customer Care - eBSI Export Academy
Customer Care - eBSI Export Academy

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